
p-Phenylenediamine(PPD)isanorganiccompoundwiththeformulaC6H4(NH2)2.Thisderivativeofanilineisawhitesolid,butsamplescandarkenduetoair ...,INCIName:p-Phenylenediamine.中文名稱:對苯二胺.CASNO:106-50-3.分子量:108.14.分子式:C6H8N2.原料應用:永久性染髮劑中間體,用於永久性染髮產品中.,Thisisanantifadereagentthatisusedasafluorescentstabilizer.Donotconfusethep-phenylenediaminewitho-phenylenediamine,whichis...


p-Phenylenediamine (PPD) is an organic compound with the formula C6H4(NH2)2. This derivative of aniline is a white solid, but samples can darken due to air ...

p-Phenylenediamine (AS NO : 106-50

INCI Name : p-Phenylenediamine. 中文名稱: 對苯二胺. CAS NO : 106-50-3. 分子量: 108.14. 分子式: C6H8N2. 原料應用: 永久性染髮劑中間體,用於永久性染髮產品中.

p-Phenylenediamine 106-50

This is an antifade reagent that is used as a fluorescent stabilizer. Do not confuse the p-phenylenediamine with o-phenylenediamine, which is used as a ...

p-Phenylenediamine Sulfate (AS NO : 16245-77

INCI Name : p-Phenylenediamine Sulfate. 中文名稱: 對苯二胺硫酸鹽. CAS NO : 16245-77-5. 分子量: 206. 分子式: C6H8N2H2SO4. 原料應用: 永久性染髮劑中間體, ...

p-Phenylenediamine | C6H4(NH2)2

p-Phenylenediamine is primarily used as a dye intermediate and as a dye (e.g., hair dyes and dyes used for dyeing furs), as well as a photographic developing ...


The results indicated that p-PD, m-AP and Mixture can reduce the formation of melanin in B16-F10 cell and Mixture can induce apoptosis in keratinocytes.


對苯二胺(p-Phenylenediamine,簡稱PPD)是一種苯胺衍生有機化合物,其化學式為C6H4(NH2)2。對苯二胺在室溫是一種無色的固體,但一般由於氧化緣故,其樣品普遍都含有 ...


電子業用化學品Chemicals for electronic. 產品名稱: 對苯二胺p-Phenylenediamine. 立即詢價. Loading... 總公司: 台北市104民生東路3段2號4樓之3 (國泰民生建國大樓) ...


衛生福利部規定,染髮劑應申請核准,取得許可證後才能上市販售,染髮劑是由許多化學成分組合而成,例如苯二胺(p-phenylenediamine,PPD)和對胺基苯酚(p-aminophenol,PAP ...


按「對苯二胺(p-Phenylenediamine)及對甲苯二胺(Toluene 2,5-diamine)」為染髮劑中常用之主要染髮原料,歐盟、日本與我國准許其為染髮劑原料使用,且均有其使用濃度 ...